Corner Fridge at Spillers

Put your trust in the Corner Fridge Company for the ultimate in refrigeration. From vegetables to flowers, wine cellars to cold rooms, the Corner Fridge Company has all the products for your needs.

The make or break of every fridge is down to size and location. Each kitchen is different, each customer has individual needs, the Corner Fridge Company provides solutions for every request, from hygeine to ease of use to maintenance, even down to flexible installation. For domestic solutions, the Corner Fridge company and their fully custom-built Cold Rooms can be fully integrated with your kitchen design.

Innovative refrigeration to suit your lifestyle

Corner Fridge

Corner Fridge is the ultimate is cool space saving design.  This pre-built cold pantry allows you store all types of food and drink regardless of the packaging it’s in.  The Corner Fridge stores your food and drink in dry cold air which means that nothing spoils inside and can be kept at the optimum temperature.

You can unpack all of your shopping into one area and free up other cupboard space.  Clever shelving allows you to use the full capacity and still be able to access everything that you need easily with no thig hiding in awkward areas.  Bottles can be easily stood on the floor along with cans and other bulky items.  Having a Corner Fridge is like having a pantry in your kitchen like the old days..

If you have a pantry or cellar next door you can even fit the cooling unit away from the Corner Fridge freeing up even more space inside allowing you up to a whopping 1300 litres internally..

If the corner unit isn’t for you, you could opt for a Bespoke cold room customised to your kitchen design and as big or small as you want or you could also choose the integrated cold room or free standing cold room.    

Corner Fridge is the most sensible choice when looking for a do it all cooling appliance and storage system.


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